Therapy for Moms in Orlando, Florida


There so many unique mental, physical and emotional challenges that women go through in life. From having children to building meaningful friendships to forming identity and beyond. I believe women are incredibly strong and incredibly worthy. Our society does a poor job of supporting women and their choices. Women are often taught that their voices, opnions and boundaries are not importnat.

WHATEVER choices are right for you, therapy that focuses on your unique experience is important.

  • I do work with men!

  • Item description

Ready to Start? This is How We Do it…

  1. You can book a phone consultation here. We’ll chat for 15 minutes to get your questions answered and to make sure we’re a great fit for one another. You’re welcome to ask about my approach, my values, my qualifications, or anything else that would feel relevant to your care. If you’re feeling good, we’ll schedule your first session during this call! Virtual sessions and in-office sessions are available.

  2. In the first session (called an Intake) we will discuss your current concerns and goals in-depth. We will explore your health history and anything else relevant to you as a person. We will establish your goals and treatment focus.

  3. We’ll maintain sessions on a weekly or biweekly basis. As we go, we’ll assess how the process is moving along and make any necessary changes. Therapy is a collaborative relationship and I want you to feel that you’re getting the most out of it!