Get Support for Depression from an Orlando Therapist

A lot of People Don’t Understand Depression…

But you do, and it’s awful. You’re exhausted, drained of motivation, numb, and feeling hopeless. It’s like a never-ending fog. Considering therapy is a brave and amazing first step. Getting started can feel like the hardest part when you barely have the energy to function on a daily basis. You’re not less than for needing extra support.

Depression is a legitimate and treatable struggle. You deserve quality care and therapy can be transformative.

What Therapy for Depression Can Do for You

You can find meaning in your life and feel aligned with your purpose.

You can experience peace and contentment more often.

You can feel excited about life and ready to take on new adventures.

  • Depression looks different for different people. Common symptoms include, but are not limited to, lack of motivation, lack of interest in activities, excessive sleep or lack of sleep, fatigue, deep sadness, body aches, and more.

    If you’re not quite sure if depression is something you’re dealing with, we can explore that together.

  • Therapy helps with depression in many ways. You can gain more understanding about your depression and how it works. You can learn coping skills that effectively help you manage symptoms. You can process and hold space for experiences that are contributing to your depression. You can feel heard and validated in your experience with depression. You can become more empowered in your life and build self-worth. You can learn your triggers and work on boundaries.

    Working with an Orlando Depression Therapist can support you in this healing work.

  • My first focus is getting to know you as an individual. Therapy is built on trust and safety. We will identify your symptoms and establish what to work on.

    In the beginning, there will be a lot of exploration of your lived experience. It may take a few sessions or more to talk about what brings you to therapy. Once we learn more about your depression, we’ll discover what techniques you will benefit from.

    Exploring how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected are often an important part of therapy for depression. We will also consider what is happening in your environment and communities and how those areas are impacting your depression. Therapy helps you find the connected threads of your life and how each thread influences the others.

    As an Orlando therapist for depression, I will meet you where you are at and support you in getting to where you want to be.


Ready to Start? This is How We Do it…

  1. You book a phone consultation here. We’ll chat for 15 minutes to get your questions answered and to make sure we’re a great fit for one another. You’re welcome to ask about my approach, my values, my qualifications, or anything else that would feel relevant to your care. If you’re feeling good, we’ll schedule your first session during this call! Virtual sessions and in-office sessions are available.

  2. In the first session (called an Intake) we will discuss your current concerns and goals in-depth. We will explore your health history and anything else relevant to you as a person. We will establish your goals and treatment focus.

  3. We’ll maintain sessions on a weekly or biweekly basis. As we go, we’ll assess how the process is moving along and make any necessary changes. Therapy is a collaborative relationship and I want you to feel that you’re getting the most out of it!

Start Your Healing Process with the Help of a Depression Therapist in Orlando